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  1. Escad_

    Fixed NPCs can spawn as baby zombies server-side

    Since NPCs are zombies on the server and only sent as players to the client, lumberjack NPCs at the lumber mill are able to spawn as baby zombies. This does not affect them cosmeticallybut there's a couple functional issues that go hand-in-hand with it. Affected lumberjacks run at the speed of...
  2. Escad_

    Quest Catfight

    This has been an amusing thought in my head for some time. The idea is that the quest-giver, probably at some starter zone, is missing their cat. They escaped and have been roaming the town/city and hunting the natural wildlife (as well as potentially endangering itself to other creatures and...
  3. Escad_

    Suggestion Add Discord to identities (contact details)

    Discord should be included in the contact details tab of the account settings. I'd be surprised if many people use anything besides Facebook, Twitter, and maybe Skype. I'm sure most users wouldn't want to list their Facebook for contact, either.