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Feedback Warrior Class.

So this is gonna be my break down of the warrior class and what I have learned and come across while playing it god knows how many times from getting stuck etc.

How ever according to the description we have, warriors do not focus on the conceptual arts. They focus on being in your face and dealing as much damage as possible. With that lets dive into it.

Base Stats -
Now this is gonna be determined based off starting gear you receive and being level 2 since the 1st quest is mandatory and automatically causes you to level up.

Now at level 2 with out placing any of your attribute points in

Strength - 1.00%hit
Fortitude - 100 Health
Serenity - .50 Health Per Second
Defense - 0 Armor
Font Capacity - 100 Mana
Font Acceleration - .50 Mana Per Second
Luck - 0 Crit

Depending on how you wish to allocate your attribute points those would change. Keep in mind you only get 3 attribute points.


Chop - Launches a Slashing attack at a target, inflicting bleed. It deals 115% physical damage based off your base damage. Causing the target to bleed for 2% of the damage over 5seconds. This skill is a single target skill in which it will cost you 30 mana to use at level 1 with a 15 second cool down.

Example: If you deal 10 damage with a sword normally upon using the skill you would do 10 + 1.5 equaling to 11.5 damage a hit. Your bleed then upon the target would do .23 damage per second for 5 seconds you would gain a total of 1.15 damage.

Now lets be honest at level 2 with the sword you get from carl your lucky if your doing 4 damage a hit. Now 4 is the highest i have achieved with out placing any points into any stats so just to be optimistic I will use that.

initial damage done upon use of chop = 4 * 1.15 = 4.6
Bleed damage caused by damage done = 4.6 * .02 = .092 over 5 seconds will deal .46 damage

In total you would do 5.06 damage every time you use chop. How ever looking at the cool down your base mana and the mana usage you would be able to use chop a total of 3 times max due to mana limitations with in 45 seconds. That is if you used it off cooldown. However to regen the mana again to use that skill it would take you 60 seconds to have enough mana again to use chop 1 more time.

Besides the meager damage out put chop does at skill level 1 the amount of mana and cooldown is just to much.

This is the warrior's first skill, its bread and butter, what they should be able to rely on besides auto attacks. The cooldown is longer then all 3 other classes and costs more mana then all of them. This feels like its making the warrior class focus more on the conceptual arts not the in your face type.


Bash - Bashes the enemy granting an additional chance to critically hit. It deals 150% of your base physical damage. Its a Single target skill that has a 12 second cooldown and will cost 40 mana. This skill upon use will then grant you a 10% chance to critically hit for the next 3 seconds. To unlock this skill you would need 2 skill points and requires you to have unlocked the chop skill.

Now this skill here is pretty interesting with its ability to grant a higher chance to critically strike. How ever the time frame in which you have to do that would require to be relatively close to your target in order to achieve an auto attack swing in or to utilize your chop skill. Assuming crit chance can still occur upon skill usage (have not seen it yet someone inform me if they have).

With that though the ideal combo would be Bash -> Auto -> Chop. Seeing right now how skills are not on cooldown even when you auto attack. another combo could be (depending on global cooldowns) Bash -> Chop -Auto.

However that leads to an issue of mana. Chop Needing 30 mana with bash needing 40 mana you have now consumed 70% of the mana on hand. Figuring you put your points into strength, fortitude/serenity and defense.
Leaving you with only 30 mana which is enough for 1 more chop.

Kill 1 mob with this and enjoy a 2minute and 20 second rest while you wait. Hopefully your not fighting multiple mobs at once :D

To Be Continued
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